Shit My Kid Ruined
I used to feel smug when reading that blog

This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
100 greatest movie insults. Don't worry when you see Jack Lemon in Glengarry Glen Ross. Pacino comes along later.
Streaming @lastfm in the background is as awesome as I imagined it would be.
iPhone 4 class action lawsuit is the dumbest kind of litigiousness possible. Just return the damn phone if it doesn't work the way you want.
The doctor is making me get tested for diabetes and high cholesterol because of my septic toe. I feel old. And fat.
Oh, Diabetic Foot Infections are a thing. Great.
you'll never win anything with kids (watching FIFA World Cup 2010: Argentina vs. Germany via @GOmiso)
Save me. (watching The Twilight Saga: Eclipse: The IMAX Experience via @GOmiso)
Congratulations to Boo. I have never been more comprehensively vomited on.
Looks like it's not just me that thinks 'twitter' during earthquakes (they're all like this)
I seem to be in a horror movie. Baby woke and ran through house screaming "they're coming". Won't go back in her bedroom. "THEY'RE COMING!"
I love that the police tweeted their exclusion edict complete with #moat tag. Feels like we're living in the future.
How much do I hope my previous RT is true? Too much probably.
“@Stubbs: I'm going to suggest we adopt this as our internal task manager ”. +1
Have I been in a cave? I just saw the @shitmydadsays TV show trailer. They cast Shatner! It's going to be the best, or worst, thing ever!
TV continues to throw up out of date surprises. Now it's Lou Diamond Phillips in the money at the 2009 World Series of Poker.
MTV to the right. Inception premier to the left. It's a traffic dream!
Burbank has decided to respond to thus far lower than average summer temperatures by catching up in a few hotter than hell days.
Why has @TechCrunch TV invested in a swanky looking studio but not on audio that you can actually hear and understand?
What's the Internet for if not sharing pictures if your removed ingrown toenail?
No matter how many times I watch Man on Fire, Christoper Walken always surprises me by not being the twist villain. Astonishing.
Sunday afternoon. Cards, dabbers and a little bit of python:
What is with these macho bullshit dystopian cyber-doom Droid adverts? Have they just decided to give up on women and let them buy iPhones?
What the hell is demons and what the hell is going on with Philip Glenister's accent? Answer me BBC America!
Hmm, now seem to have 2 houses worth of furniture.
Thanks to the iPhone 4 antenna hype. I've gone from happy ignorance to frustrated hyper-awareness of my 3GS death gripping habit.
This is an automatic archive of posts made by Gareth Simpson
on various services around the internet.