5 February 2010
I just quit reddit. Ultimately on the internet, the only votes that count are the ones made with your feet.
This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
I just quit reddit. Ultimately on the internet, the only votes that count are the ones made with your feet.
Hmm, I appear to have re-implemented eBay for my daughter's school.
Google also better than Bing at stuff they don't like e.g. Brand Advertising "The last bastion of unaccountable spending" is.gd/7X3xY
Damn you Flash! Command+L means go to the address bar regardless of whether there is Flash on the page. grrrrrrrrrrr.
Hmmm, how to stop the toddler rooting through the bin like some tiny babbling hobo?
Everyone who complains about reality TV, particularly American reality TV should be made to watch Intervention.
Overcome with the urge to listen to EMF's Schubert Dip. Maybe this is what a midlife crisis feels like?
Hey @lastfm Pulp's Underwear might well be one of my favourite songs, but there's a limit on the number of times I want to hear it per day.
Can I use my USB HDD? Mac: Check! Ubuntu: Check! Vista: ffffffuuuuuu!
As Wave is to Instant Messaging, so Buzz is to Twitter?
. @alan_lansdowne I think you misunderstand. I think that Buzz is just as misguided a fuck up of twitter/friendfeed as wave is of IM :)
OK Vista, it is now 24hrs since I reorganized all my files. Could search start pointing at them in their new folder & not the old please?
Astonished by transformation of my cheap laptop. From OEM Vista crapwarefest to clean Win7 installation. Like having a new (good) machine.
I rather like the winphone7 concepts/demos. Zune font is pretty. Noteworthy that they don't show IE working though. is.gd/8rwZB
There is no Plan B :) www.apple.com/trailers/fox/theateam/
I conversation I also have every month or so: venomousporridge.com/post/389785000/a-conversation-i-have-every-month-or-so
Why is delicious.com/popular/ always Photoshop+HTML+CSS+Javascript tutorials as far as the eye can see?
ProTip: Never let anyone involved with a school talent show know that you have a cursory understanding of how to push buttons in GarageBand.
I'm in my mid-30s and I still find samples of sirens in the background of songs vaguely exhilarating.
Trying once again to have taskbar/dock on left. Makes most of a widescreen monitor but tears at 15 years of Winows 95 based muscle memory.
There is nothing grosser to wash up than last nights guacamole.
Twitter does not make nearly enough use of this: blog.twitter.com/2009/11/think-globally-tweet-locally.html
Best Buy were not joking aboat the bloatware. I wonder of the $40 gets them to remove thier own autorunning shitware installer?
Maddie's party was a triumph! Mad Science FTW :)
Nerd straw poll: computer for 7 year old. Should I nuke Win 7 and install Ubuntu? Does Ubuntu ship a sufficiently pink desktop theme?
Burbank is getting a Fresh and Easy. Tesco, how I love you. \o/
Every now and again, my iPhone makes me feel like I have the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in my pocket.
Torn between my desire to write a Coda clone for Windows, a Fiddler clone for Mac and, you know, do nothing.
There is no panic quite like "where has my tortoise gone?" For reference, I lose the toddler 3-4 times a week without batting an eyelid.
There is a huge "this content requires flash" box at the bottom of my Adobe technote explaining why I can't use flash. is.gd/9l5IO
This is an automatic archive of posts made by Gareth Simpson
on various services around the internet.