1 December 2009
Beaten by IT policy. Have learned complex IT set password while repeatedly being refused the change to something simpler.
This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
Beaten by IT policy. Have learned complex IT set password while repeatedly being refused the change to something simpler.
Real world usability failure: caffeine free diet coke looks too much like real diet coke.
Were I asked in the 90s to pick an artist I liked who'd go on to make astonishingly great film scores,I wouldn't have picked Clint from PWEI
rt @pip - etherpad bought by google and shut down. ffs! >:( etherpad.com/ep/blog/posts/google-acquires-appjet via @iamdanw
Oh last.fm, please stop recommending CUD and New Fast Automatic Daffodils. I didn't like them in 1990 and I don't like them now.
They should have kept etherpad and closed down wave :(
Evening competitions = grouchy little skaters. Make that grouchy little winners!
Impressed by Google/AppJet about face: etherpad.com/ep/blog/posts/etherpad-back-online-until-open-sourced
♫ laying down the lifeless corpse of / president 35 / the lady crying by his side is / the most beautiful woman alive ♫
If you detect my iPhone and then present me with a "mobile" version of your site that can't be read, you're doing it wrong.
Enduring potty training regression: rivers of piss everywhere.
Impressed with Mac Chrome UI. Decent top of window tabs. Combined url/search. Safari team should look sheepish. FF team should hide in shame
Where's my toothbrush? Oh look! There, in the potty. Marvelous.
Morgan Freeman makes great Mandella. That wasn't predictable now was it?www.metacritic.com/film/titles/invictus
Linux Chrome: so much better than Firefox, it's not even funny.
Why do mobile blog templates attempt to look like iPhone applications? They're still web pages. Readability, good. Grey bubbles, bad.
Top posted replying is clearly the only sane choice. New information is presented first. Blogs understand this: reverse chronology FTW.
Most poignant Garfield - Garfield ever: is.gd/5i4XF
.@lastfm Why don't you have a "this is not the right damn song" option? :) www.last.fm/music/Joy+Division/_/New+Dawn+Fades?autostart
.@Twitter Why can't I have a per tweet "friends only" check box? Why is it all or nothing? :(
Facebooks default "privacy" is to allow all your dumbass mates to share all of *your* information with the apps *they* install. Facepalm.
How come half of all the Coke I buy (bottle or fountain) tastes like battery acid? Most inconsistent drink ever. Pepsi only slightly better.
It never rains but it pours and similar vapid clichés.
Why can't mobile safari browse my photos and upload them? Seems so obvious.
I wonder if the pundits that @gruber regularly eviscerates ever bother to issue rebuttals? is.gd/5mahu
There is a big problem with the iPhone autocorrect: it is impossible to type the word "time" because the word "tome" is real. I blame Apple.
I don't get it. How is crippling AT&T's network supposed to convince them that metering is bad?
(Via waxy.org) Enhance! Zoom in on the mirror! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxq9yj2pVWk
Have just bought insurance on the way to the airport. iPhone's are marvelous things.
Landing in London midday Friday. What's the weather like?
Back from spain. Flew into Leeds Bradford. Very glad I didn't go for the Manchester option!
www.thereisnopagefold.com Bull. If horizontal bands of content line up with bottom of page, it looks complete. Scrollbar is ignored.
Continuing www.thereisnopagefold.com rage. What about data entry screens where save button is out of sight? Instant annoyance.
Need razr battery. 1 day standby, 1 minute talk time not cutting it.
Pro Tip: Don't make glib tweets about letting it snow before embarking on long trips through blizzards.
Merry Christmas. I am eagerly awaiting dinner. For reference I am the only one that likes these:
I appear to have spent $800 on petrol this month. Over half of it since I left the country. Impressive.
Impressed: skype out calls US toll free numbers toll free, without you having to have ever put credit on it.
I have not tried @dominos #newpizza, I just want to appear on their homepage with all the people dissing it :) is.gd/5GBC5
This is an automatic archive of posts made by Gareth Simpson
on various services around the internet.