Doo Be Doo

This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
@xurble is it just me or is Google fucked? search and maps are not responding and even blogspot is 500-ing
If you can't see your office from your home, then your commute is too long
@xurble is wishing he'd Googled 'balti in Los Angeles' about 2 years ago
I have a Media Center PC. For my sins, I really like it.
However for the past few (well many) months it has been failing to power manage correctly, never sleeping and running the fan all the time. It has also been running like a dog.
Being the clever computer type I am, I immediately diagnosed a bad case of Windows Rot and tried to make time to reinstall it.
Then we moved house and I noticed it was filthy. Every vent at the rear was choked with vacuum-cleaner-bagesque dust bunnies.
Having administered a quick stiff brushing, it is now running cooler, quieter and faster.
Sorry Windows.
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