Lunettes Nerd
In case I ever need to replace the ones I wear every day.

This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
Flags in US fly at half mast for 30 days following the death of a president (in this case Ford). It's a law or something.
I have wanted to put this in atrocious apostrophe's for the best part of a year thinking it should be Carl Jr's. However, research indicates that in fact it's OK. The original restaurants were called Carl's The drive through / burger bar incarnations are Junior versions. Hence Carl's Jr. Bah Ah well, it's still a Star Not Star.
If you believe Jurassic Park 2. Actually Downtown Burbank. Not showing any lingering signs of T-Rex damage.
Or at least it used to be. From Jurassic Park 2 The bookshop where the screenwriter David Koepp, in a cameo as ‘Unlucky Bastard’ gets chomped by the T-Rex
The dude on the left accosted me while I was snapping my Jurassic Park pictures and asked if I wanted his picture. I couldn't think of anything better to say than "I don't know do I want your picture?" at which point he smiled and walked off. Weirdo. I decided to I would have his picture anyway. I now can't decide if he I hope he wasn't famous (so I didn't miss out) or I hope he was famous and was miffed I didn't recognize him.
I don't know a lot about electricity, but I'm pretty sure that in England we don't store it in buckets at the top of poles.
I love this place. Fill your bowl with meat and veg, and watch as they add noodles and cook the whole thing with huge sticks on a big ass metal plate. Genius Unfortunately I'm too embarassed to try for a better photograph.
"It is critical that we understand that this new form of terrorism carries another more subtle, perhaps equally pernicious, risk. Because it might encourage a fear-driven and inappropriate response. By that I mean it can tempt us to abandon our values. I think it important to understand that this is one of its primary purposes."— Sir Ken Macdonald, Director of Public Prosecutions
Lockheed used to make planes in Burbank. They appear to have left one behind. It's an F-104 Starfighter by the way (hence the title).
I think that the proprietor is the psychic and that he or she reads the cards. The cards themselves are probably not pyschic.
Poster for Superman II the Richard Donner cut. This iconic image has been overtaken by popular culture. Now all I see is a goatse reference.
This is an automatic archive of posts made by Gareth Simpson
on various services around the internet.