Go Vikings

This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
Have had the car cleaned. I can now see in the mirrors and make left turns without rolling down the window.
I am too scared to play "Sick or Brick?" with my poorly iPad.
The city of Burbank is concerned that as immigrants, we might struggle with things like English.
Today is full of iCloud and Cloudfront. Feels like I need a 3rd cloudy thing to complete the set.
Oct 14, 2011 8:41 AM - On FedEx vehicle for delivery - SUN VALLEY, CA
Apparently wireless routers have become much, much faster in the six years since I bought my last one.
The web is a very different place when you accidentally delete Verdana from your system.
This is an automatic archive of posts made by Gareth Simpson
on various services around the internet.