1 May 2010
we are outta here! tweetphoto.com/20672323
This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
It must be summer. The scary middle aged woman who power walks in short shorts and bra-top has stopped wearing her knee-length woolen socks.
So @Astro_Soichi is tweeting and twitpicing from actual space and only has 1/10 the followers of fucking @justinbieber It's kinda depressing
Is there something worse than ADD? I think the little one has Attention Absense Disorder.
I need to up my faith in python. I've been putting of writing code to add a uri to a base. Of course it's from urlparse import urljoin.
Buy my dryer :) losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/app/1725243250.html
Good morning UKers. Happy Election. Enjoy your new Tory government :-) #ge2010
If the Tories do win, I will have to buy a load of old Iraq protest "not in my name" t-shirts to wear every time a new bill is passed.
So, I presume we'll be asking the UN to oversee the next general election?
New prediction: Lab/Con "Government of National Unity" Gordon Brown returns to Chancellor's job.
The little one is obsessed with Katy Perry's Hot n Cold. There is no end to her demands to play "Like a Girl" is.gd/bZ8UL
Thanks Ubuntu for moving the min/max/close buttons from the right to the left of the screen. Change for change's sake is always welcome.
Still listening to Hot n Cold 7+ times a day. Fortunately I don't scrobble youtube plays. Am off to buy Diesel sunglasses and Nokia phone.
In power, Labour were far more authoritarian than expected. Wonder how Libs will be? Especially when they are hanging out with the Tories.
Is it right that my $26 of CRV recycling money takes 7 signatures and a dead tree of forms?
Can we start calling them the Liberal Party again? It's pretty clear that the SDP would not have entered a coalition with the Tories.
Small Mercies: is.gd/c5Zxj With this level of cover ESPN's knowledgeable irish guy can't commentate them all. Yank nonsense expected.
Saftey First. Recall notices hidden in obscure corner of Wal Mart. No "beware of the leopard" signs at least.
It turns out removing your wireless router from the metal cabinet you are keeping it in drastically improves its range. Who knew?
Watching a burly youth pretend to be part of a virtual Guns n Roses covering Yellow by Coldplay. Guitar Hero is an odd game.
I wish that @gowalla had an edit function for locations. The lack of apostrophe is killing my inner pedant gowalla.com/spots/353318
Google has completely dominated the delicious popular list. I'm sure Yahoo loves that.
The baby is channeling Mark E. Smith: Daddy-ah, I wanna go-ah.
Thanks @TheEscapistMag but I knew after the 2nd view that I wasn't going to 6 Flags. Constant watching of the same pre-roll didn't sway me.
Masculinity fail: mocked by very camp gay couple for lack of rigour in my barbeque selection strategy.
Kind of sad that @aollifestream is not a patch on @socialthing :(
Probably the most ironic screenshot ever: yfrog.com/5m5d9pj
Interesting to hear the right wing, limited government pundits demand a federal takeover of the BP oil spill.
I've got me a Chrysler, it's as big as a whale and it's about to set sail ... yfrog.com/0k62273144j
ok git, I am grudgingly impressed by your ability to merge quite horrendous changes from the upstream master into my pubwich fork.
If you cannot agree on what God wants on one issue, how can you be trusted on any issue? is.gd/cuyex
Just found #eurovision feed: http://www.justin.tv/motownmike Straight in to leather and 80's hair. Perfect. 8/10 Moldova!
Hmm, welsh sung, cypriot written sad ballads are less inspiring. 2/10 #eurovision
Did the war in the Balkans freeze time or something? 3/10 #eurovision
More Balkan time travel from Serbia this time. Perfect. 10/10 #eurovision.
Dear God. That's what we came up with? A show tune? 1/10 #eurovision
Graham Norton is a good choice to replace Wogan, but it's painfully obvious that he's not getting any drunker.
You know what the world really needs? More of me. www.flickr.com/photos/xurble/4651011088/
Nothing quite like waking up with sunburn when you tediously lectured the kids on sun safety the day before.
This is an automatic archive of posts made by Gareth Simpson
on various services around the internet.