1 November 2009
Gosh, I got the same cheap store bought costume as Malfoy! is.gd/4Kutm To be fair, who doesn't want to be a Ghostbuster?
This place is not a place of honor… no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.
Gosh, I got the same cheap store bought costume as Malfoy! is.gd/4Kutm To be fair, who doesn't want to be a Ghostbuster?
You have to admire a place that offers an "add bacon" option on its veggie burger.
I am glad to be living in the CASE tool and 4GL software engineering world that my university course taught me about.
Boo's new game: Press the "locate phone" button on the base station, and then go and answer it.
No one says "New Media" any more, which is a shame because I still love this old exploding dog comic. is.gd/4Ng63
Boo: Can't talk. Can: open laptop, log in, launch mail client, select address, type jibber jabber into body. Stopped before "send" located.
In 6 years time, Back to the Future's "contemporary" setting will be as far in our past as the 50s are to Marty.
"Of course I'm pissing creativity, but I am a lady"...
Remember when Timothy McVeigh blew up Oklahoma City and 80% of the news was about him being a Christian?
Yeah, me neither. (via @mike_ftw)
I refuse to register for nytimes.com or even to circumvent it. Am I missing anything?
Nobody likes a swot. Well unless it happens to be your own superstar "exceeds grade level" across the board daughter.
Pasta sauce label had qr code on it :) Too small to be read by iPhone camera :(
Final Cut Pro was always going to be better than After Effects for linear editing. I didn't quite realize how much though.
Mom... Phineas and Ferb are making a Christmas special!
because I am lazy, and last.fm's "your library" station is so good, I cannot be arsed to reconstruct my music collection post laptop theft.
I would feel better if the baby would stop handing me the tortoise.
God damn you ESPN. How dare you break your habit of always showing the CL matches featuring the English teams?
♥ Unsolved Child Murder by The Auteurs #lastfm: bit.ly/8xejj amazon: bit.ly/5ErE1Q
There's a popular misconception, says we haven't seen anything yet...
Netbook owners: What technology need are they filling? I don't want to be a luddite but there's no $300 hole between my iPhone & Laptop.
Screw the turkey. Celebrating thanksgiving with 1.8lb of fried cow.
God help me. I think I'm going to install Linux.
Ubuntu: Now 3 hours into "25 minute" installation.
Muttering "Linux is only free if your time has no value" and other clichés.
If xbmc can be made to use my remote, all may be forgiven.
This is an automatic archive of posts made by Gareth Simpson
on various services around the internet.